Words from the heart

Like every year, what we in France call the “re-entry” occurs in September. This year, I wonder; return where, how, for what?

Go home, go back to school? What is this house and this shool and what are they built on? Who am I in this world in transition? What is my life? What are my values? What do I wish to transmit to the children and what is the world that I want to pass on to them? How can I help build this world? What do I want to strive for? What are my words and actions based on? How is my heart doing in a world ruled by the mind? How to listen to it? What does it have to tell me?

Yes, we live in a world ruled by the mind that expresses itself with heightened individualism and materialism. The collective level of consciousness is low and if we are not careful, the surrounding fear holds us captive. Obviously, the sea is rough, but let’s observe that it is only the waves moving. Yes, if we stay on the surface, we are tossed in the directions of the winds, but in the depths of every being, in the invisible world of our soul, the sea always remains calm.

How to contact this calm in us? How to weather the mental and emotional storms and gain access to deep wisdom?

One of the wisdoms is that the sea is one and we all are drops. Separation is therefore a mental illusion and yet the suffering of isolation is real. To heal this sick world, we must overcome the fear of the other, the fear of rejection, judgment and non-love. But how? Philosophically and spiritually, the answer is the same; know yourself. So what is the path to Self? This path is both unique to each person and collective, because the mirror held out by the other is the best revealer.

It is no longer a question of agreeing or not agreeing, of arguing, of defending or comparing oneself, of separating into clans according to our individual and limited points of view. We don’t have time for that anymore! We need all the resources available to save humanity. We need to listen, to really listen; not to words of the mind full of fear and judgment, but to words of the heart full of wisdom.

The hearts that pulsate in each of us are connected to the Big Heart, the universal heart, which pulses in all the universe and in all universes. Connected to our heart, we therefore have access to universal wisdoms that the world sorely needs. But how to hear them and how to be heard?  There are frameworks, atmospheres, circles that support these deep listening states. These circles are based on respect, kindness, trust and confidentiality. There are also breathing practices, postures, and movements that help us open and listen to the heart. And lastly, we need personal commitment, courage and sincerity, otherwise we remain prisoners.

I invite you to create your listening circle, perhaps in your family or between friends, in your living room, your garden or at your neighbor’s, in your own way. I myself created a cycle of 6 circles, over a period of 6 months, in Paris. Each circle is dedicated to a theme, the number of participants is limited (max 8 in “red zone”, otherwise max 12) and regular participation is recommended. If this formula interests you but you cannot participate in the circles that I suggest, I invite you to create your own circles. If you want support in setting up and developing these circles, I invite you to contact me.

Here is the practical information about the listening circles called “Words of the Heart” which will take place in Paris between September 13, 2020 and February 14, 2021.

The circles are structured in two parts:
1.     guided meditation
2.     sharing circle

Each workshop is dedicated to a theme and they are protected and nurtured by the benevolence and confidentiality offered by us all. The regularity of the participants allows trust and deepening. A minimum participation of 3 out of 6 workshops is required. Places are limited and we respect distance in the room. Seating on the floor is recommended (everyone must bring their own cushion and small mat / blanket) but chairs are also available.

Procedure: After an hour of centering and connection, of guided meditation, in movement or sitting, aided by conscious breathing, we enter the sharing circle where each member talks for 3-5 minutes about what the theme of the day evokes for her/him. Time is scheduled so that everyone has the time to express themselves without infringing on the time of others. The circle allows you to listen to the other, to be nourished by wisdom and shared questioning, to listen to your own heart and to dare to express yourself.

This series of workshops will provide us with:

• centering and more presence
• mental appeasement
• a connection to the body
• a nourished and freer heart
• the opportunity to touch the soul
• practices to be implemented on a daily basis
• deeper self-knowledge
• the courage to express yourself
• a bringing into the world of our profound wisdoms
• and a solid relational web

The workshops are created and led by Aya Annika Skattum: www.annikaskattum.com

The address will be communicated when you register.

Hours: 10 a.m. sharp – 12:30 p.m. For those who wish, we follow with a convivial lunch in the neighborhood.

Registration and payment are required and is to be done on Weezevent: www.weezevent.com/paroles-du-coeur

The rates : A workshop at normal price: 35 €
The series of 6 workshops, normal price: 185 €
A workshop at solidarity rate (students, unemployed, retirees): € 20
The series of 6 workshops, solidarity rate (students, unemployed, retirees): 110 €

Dates and themes:

Sunday September 13, 2020 – Presence
Sunday October 18, 2020 – Forgiveness
Sunday November 15, 2020 – Trust
Sunday, December 13, 2020 – Surrender
Sunday January 10, 2021 – Gratitude
Sunday February 14, 2021 – Love

For any questions, please contact Aya Annika Skattum: annika.skattum@orange.fr / 06 22 74 44 37

Annika Skattum